In addition to a very targeted diet the
best exercise to prevent against Alzheimer's disease is aerobic
exercises, there is a change in the body and brain chemistry when
people do these kinds of exercises. Dementia is increasing worldwide,
we are in fact in the middle of an epidemic in regards to the numbers
of people who are being effected by the illness. Researchers have
shown that exercise is one of the best way to protect against
Alzheimer's disease.
What exercises are best against
Researchers at the University of
Washington School of Medicine and Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health
Care System tested the effects of aerobic training with 33 women and
men diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, this is often the
beginnings of dementia.
The exercises of choice were a
treadmill and a stationary bike, this was to be used four days a week
for a little more than 30 minutes a day. In comparison the
researchers had another set of people do weightlifting and balancing
exercises. The researchers conclusion was that after six months the
aerobic exercisers increased in mental ability while the
weightlifting group continued to lose mental agility. The best
exercises for Alzheimer's disease are walking exercises. There is no
need for a gym membership or expensive equipment walking( with a little speed) for half
and hour 4 days a week should help the brain.
The way to reverse the illness
Exercise will not cause reversal of
Alzheimer's disease in people who have already been deeply effected
by the illness, the way to reverse the illness in those deeply
effected it with a very targeted diet. We at Mal Alzheimer's have
shown people in over 7 countries how to reverse the effects of
Dementia by using a very targeted diet that addresses the formation
of Tau tangles and Amyloid plaques, this can do amazing things in the
brain. The brain has an incredible ability to heal when put in the
right healing environment. An Alzheimer's diagnoses is not a time to
sit and ponder, a target diet can reverse the effects of the illness more than any exercise.
How a targeted diet did stop the
illness, Click here Reverse
Alzheimer's Disease
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